Lyme Disease

Babesia: a Lyme Co-infection

  Lyme rarely arrives by itself. The Borrelia infection is commonly paired with one or more other tick-borne infections with Babesia the most common. There are many overlaps between the symptoms caused by co-infections such as Babesia and Lyme disease. This is why coinfections are often missed due to the Dr or practitioner only diagnosing [...]

Babesia: a Lyme Co-infection2019-09-22T07:50:42+00:00

Borrelia Co-infections in Lyme Like Disease

Lyme-like infections come with other stealth infections. A Finnish study published in 2018 which tested blood samples from over 400 patients from both USA and Europe found they often contained multiple tick-borne microbes. “This study indicated an 85% probability that a randomly selected Tick-Borne Disease (TBD) patient will respond to Borrelia and other related TBD [...]

Borrelia Co-infections in Lyme Like Disease2019-09-08T13:05:35+00:00

Chronic Lyme Disease.  Borrelia Keeps Hanging Around!

Borrelia has been around it seems forever and occurs on all continents from the tropics to the arctic circle. Humans have had plenty of time to develop our defences against Borrelia. This probably explains why many people don’t become severely ill with an acute infection of the illness. As soon as Borrelia is injected into [...]

Chronic Lyme Disease.  Borrelia Keeps Hanging Around!2019-08-06T00:25:51+00:00

Lyme Disease and Children

There are two main factors as to why children get Lyme disease. First… children are close to the ground and second, they like to play outdoors, especially boys.  Both points can increase their chances of being bitten by ticks. Most Lyme cases in children tend to occur between ages 5 and 9, states the CDC, [...]

Lyme Disease and Children2019-07-26T12:09:00+00:00

Neuroborreliosis – a Cause of Lyme Brain Fog – Pt2

  See also Neuroborreliosis Part 1 "The clinical course of neuroborreliosis is highly variable. Meningoradiculitis, also described as Bannwarth’s syndrome, is the most frequent manifestation of neuroborreliosis in Europe. Symptoms include headache, cranial nerve palsy, and/or lancinating pain. Although at least 80% of European patients present with facial nerve palsy and radiculitis, symptoms of neuroborreliosis [...]

Neuroborreliosis – a Cause of Lyme Brain Fog – Pt22019-07-26T12:07:29+00:00

Neuroborreliosis – a Cause of Lyme Brain Fog

  Neuroborreliosis is a disorder of the central nervous system. It is a neurological manifestation of Lyme disease caused by a systemic infection of spirochetes of the genus Borrelia. The brain, spinal cord and other nerve pathways can and most often are invaded by the infection. One part of the nervous system the bacterium love [...]

Neuroborreliosis – a Cause of Lyme Brain Fog2019-06-09T00:15:53+00:00

Symptoms of Lyme and Lyme-like Diseases

Lyme disease symptoms, some very important facts! Borrelia bacteria are spirochetes and are related to syphilis. The problem is that it is harder to treat that its STD cousin.  The Borrelia bacterium is one of the most complex that is known.  Interestingly enough, because of this, it was initially mis-classified with protazoa.  Accordingly, Brisson et [...]

Symptoms of Lyme and Lyme-like Diseases2019-10-02T11:34:02+00:00

Lyme Disease Australia: an Emerging Issue?

What is Lyme Disease? Lyme disease is the fastest growing vector-borne illness in the US. Lyme disease has been reported in between 65 and 80 countries worldwide (depending on sources quoted – e.g. with millions affected. Over 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease are reported in the US each year alone. This infectious disease [...]

Lyme Disease Australia: an Emerging Issue?2019-10-02T11:34:59+00:00